Affordable Housing: Access to Health Amenities in Los Angeles
Are neighborhood health amenities in Los Angeles walkable from affordable housing developments? What neighborhoods in Los Angeles have high densities of affordable housing and appear to be in need of more health amenities in 2021?
This research project examined the location of health amenities in relation to identified clusters of affordable housing in the City of Los Angeles. The analysis centered on two buckets of data: 1) affordable housing units that were developed under the oversight of the City of Los Angeles Housing Department; and 2) health amenities, defined as hospitals, health clinics, and parks within the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles County.
The methodology was broken down into three sections: data preparation, decision layer analysis, and network analysis. The framework began with defining accessibility for the purposes of the study. Health amenities were narrowed down into the following three health amenities: hospitals, clinics, and parks. These three criteria provided the primary weights for our later analysis.