HaoChe Hung, Theresa Yang, Hilary Ho, Sean Chew
Python, QGIS, Machine Learning
HaoChe Hung, Theresa Yang, Hilary Ho, Sean Chew
Python, QGIS, Machine Learning
Exploring Urban Data with Machine Learning Course Final Proejct
GSAPP, Columbia U
2022 Spring
New York City
Full Report
GSAPP, Columbia U
2022 Spring
New York City
Full Report
Predicting Surface Temperatures using Machine Learning
The Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) occurs when impervious surfaces replace areas of vegetation, causing increased surface temperatures in cities relative to surrounding areas. Inequitable green space access across NYC may cause some neighborhoods to be more at-risk for UHIE than others.
Main Research Question
To what degree can the presence of green space in neighborhoods predict surface temperatures in NYC?
High-LST census tracts, like our Queens case study, can be identified to implement policies such as greening buildings for high-density apartments (such as those catering to non-family households) and heavy commercial land uses.
Machine Learning Model
K Means, Decision Tree, Random Forest, OLS Regression